Sunday, September 16, 2012

Issues with grammar

To be honest, I am not really sure what to write about this week. I am not really good at the whole “choose your own topic” kind of writing. BETWEEN YOU AND ME, I DON’T REALLY HAVE THAT BIG OF OPINIONS ON GRAMMAR EVEN …If you want me to rant about how cute my dogs are or how ridiculous it is that people actually like Jersey Shore, something could probably be arranged. Now, I’m not saying that I don’t care about grammar; I am just not that knowledgeable about it yet, so therefore I don’t really know what to say about it. SOMETHING I HAVE NOTICED ABOUT MYSELF SINCE STARTING THIS GRAMMAR COURSE, IS THAT I AM BECOMING MORE AWARE OF GRAMMATICAL…THINGS?
For instance, I never really noticed before “its”, but now I see it all the time in my readings. I also pay closer attention to commas and semicolons in my readings too. I was reading Frankenstein when I will think, “Oh hey, that’s a good use of a semicolon!” I NOTICE OTHER THINGS TOO, I MYSELF AMD JUST REALLY TIRED THIS MORNING AND CAN’T REALLY THINK OF OTHER SPECIFIC EXAMPLES; I FEEL LIKE MY BRAIN IS RUNNING ON TWO WHEELS RIGHT ABOUT NOW. IN FACT, I AM WISHING THAT THIS BLOG WOULD JUST WRITE ITSELF.
THE ONE THING THAT I AM NOT REALLY FOND OF THAT HAS SHOWN ITSELF IN MY LIFE NOW, BROUGHT ON BY THIS COURSE AS WELL AS OTHERS, IS THAT I AM STARTING TO FEEL REALLY INSECURE ABOUT MY OWN WRITING. BETWEEN THIS COURSE AND MY 19TH CENTURY LITERATURE CLASS, I HAVE BEEN LEARNING SO MUCH ABOUT HOW TO IMPROVE MY WRITING SKILLS; IT JUST REMINDS HOW MUCH IMPROVEMENT I STILL NEED. I know that is not the goal of these classes and I am probably just being over dramatic, but that’s how it is. Especially when so many other people seem to get what I don’t. For example, when we were discussing Frankenstein in my literature class the other day, everyone said the frame narratives in it were what worked so well for the book. When I heard that, all I could think was “What on earth is a frame narrative…?” Yet everyone in class seemed to understand. It’s the same with grammar; I look at other peoples writing’s and listen to their ideas and it just makes me wish that I could have come up with something like that; like that one groups creative edit to the Dear John letter.
At this point I feel I am just rambling, but that is what happens when you leave me to choose what to write about! With this class though, I feel it has been evident that I am improving with my writing and that I am learning a lot; I am excited to keep learning more. So that is the light at the end of the tunnel per say, to my little grammar perplexities at the moment.


  1. It is kind of hard for me to start thinking and writing about "what I have learned so far" too. I also have become more aware of my writing skills and different punctuation marks, and have applied them into other classes (as well as you have)
    Good use of the patterns of the week :)

  2. and I really appreciate that you're using with semicolons. Have you always used them, or are you just practicing? If you'd like for us to check out on your semicolon use, do let us know and we'll give you some feedback.
